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A Strong Finish: Important Lessons from 2024

Jamelle Sanders

First of all, I want to congratulate you on making it to the final days of 2024! While everything may not have gone according to plan, the fact that you are alive and breathing means that you have another opportunity to make adjustments in your life. Personally, 2024 has been the greatest year of my life. I've never been more focused, more productive, and more fulfilled. I've operated with laser focus this year and I found my life rhythm. As I do every year, I always take an opportunity to share some of my most important lessons and reflections from the year. I believe these insights will help you to reflect on your year, realign with your vision, and realize your greatest potential.

  1. Learn to prioritize the precious moments of every single day. If you ask those who know me best, they will tell you that I am a bit obsessive when it comes to making the best use of my time. As someone who constantly has to balance various commitments, it is always important for me to have clearly defined priorities. While I have had a good handle on this for a while, 2024 presented me with a new opportunity to prioritize the precious moments of my life. As a result, I have been more focused, more productive and I have made more progress than at any other time in my life. Everyone does not understand the value of time and that is why they abuse it. I know the value of time and I see it as a precious commodity in my life. I'm always finding new ways to ensure that I am choosing the essential over the urgent. Time waits on no man. Therefore, you owe it to yourself and the seed of your potential to masterfully use time to facilitate your vision and optimize your potential. 

  2. Master being kind to yourself. As someone who is always concerned and consumed with the welfare of everyone else, it can be very easy for me to neglect myself. However, this year I have been very intentional about choosing myself first. I will be honest and tell you that not everyone has been a fan of the decision. Most people want what they want and when they want it. I've lived long enough to know that I cannot be of service to you if I am neglecting myself. As someone who has a massive influence on the lives of people all around the world, I have been practicing being kind to myself this year. Sometimes that means turning my phone off, saying no to things that I would normally say yes to, and taking more time for myself. It is not always easy but it is necessary if you are going to have longevity. Never forget that you are in control of your own life. You are not defined by the demands and expectations of other people. Furthermore, anyone who truly loves you will not be offended when you make decisions that prioritize your peace, well-being, and wholeness. 

  3. The journey becomes difficult when we try to carry excess weight. While I would love for everyone to grow with me, I have had to accept that you will outgrow some relationships in your life. More importantly, you will pierce your heart with great sorrow trying to take people into your future that belong in your past. You can want the best for a person but as long as they are blind to what is possible for their lives they will never make progress. The reason so many people are weighed down and stressed is because they are trying to force people into a season that they are not willing to embrace. Out of our love for people, we hold on tighter but we fail to recognize that they are slowing us down and taking the joy out of the journey. Some people were good for your past but they are not good for your future. You must learn the art of letting go. I am not saying that letting go will be easy. On the other hand, I am saying that if you never let go you will never manifest your greatness. When you try to bring something into a new season that does not belong it becomes a burden. From life experience, I can tell you that burdens become barriers to breakthroughs in your life. 

  4. You cannot cultivate relationships without intentionality. As I find myself at a new season in my life, I see now more than ever the importance of destiny relationships. It is my fundamental belief that you cannot fulfill your destiny without destiny helpers. The problem is that most people settle for destiny blockers because they are so desperate to have any kind of relationship in their lives. However, as life has painfully taught me, you can only attract into your life what you are first willing to become. Many people place great expectations on the relationships in their lives and very little expectations on themselves. Then they are confused when they attract dysfunctional and toxic relationships into their lives. As I have done my work, I have become much more discerning about the relationships that I invite into my life. It is important for you to understand that most relationships fail because of neglect. If you want to have meaningful relationships, then you must be willing to invest the time and energy into cultivating meaningful relationships. From decades of experience, I can tell you that relationships are deepened through intimacy and destroyed through distance. In other words, you strengthen the relationships in your life through connection and you ruin the relationships in your life through disconnection. In this season of my life, I am becoming much more intentional about discerning those who are assigned to help me and those who show up to hijack my destiny. Most of all, I am learning to be intentional about who I make space for in my life. Never give a person a place in your life that has not been proven. 

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