As I write to you, it is hard to believe that we are already in the month of May. In all honesty, we are almost at the halfway point of 2022. Personally, I am focused, making progress and strategically executing my goals. Many people have given up on their goals and reverted back to the same cycles of frustration and failure. They will reach the end of 2022 with the same excuses for why they did not elevate and embrace a greater life. I do not want that to be the case for you. I want to share a few insights with you on embracing the next level in your life. If you will put these principles into practice, you will be empowered to make progress and experience success and prosperity at a brand-new level.
Stop procrastinating on the execution of your goals. Procrastination is one of the greatest thieves of transformation. I cannot tell you the number of people I talk to on a consistent basis who are stuck in cycles of procrastination. One thing I know to be true is that if you stay stuck in cycles of procrastination you will never make consistent progress in your life. Procrastination is putting off what is in your power to do with the hope of seeing progress in your life tomorrow. It is a terrible habit to have and a horrible way to live your life. Instead of living by procrastination, I want to challenge you to live by your priorities. When you eliminate procrastination and excuses, you produce a life of excellence and uncommon success. Procrastination robs you of moments, momentum, and ultimately the manifestation of your goals. I want you to take some time and confront every lie that is standing in the way of you living your greatest life. Do not allow inaction to become a stumbling block to your dreams and the manifestation of your vision.
Shift your paradigm if you want to transform your life. While it is great to address procrastination, I think it is even more important to address the paradigm that has contributed to it in your life. Personally, anytime I find myself procrastinating I have linked it back to an underlying belief system or psychological conditioning that has persisted in my life. Many people understand this on the surface level. However, not enough people are truly aware of how their psychological constructs shape the course of their lives. Your present reality is the product of a belief system and thought pattern. If you do not like your present reality, then you must be willing to shift your paradigm. Shifting your paradigm is not an automatic process. Just as you did not develop certain belief systems overnight, you will not overturn thought patterns and processes overnight. However, if you will take the time to observe your thoughts you can address your thoughts and ultimately alter your thinking. It is impossible to embrace new realms without reprogramming your mind. Old thoughts will never unlock new territories in your life. Make 2022 the year that you stop avoiding your thoughts and address your thoughts. It is only in addressing your thoughts that you activate the process of transformation in your life.
Make growth and development an intentional part of your life. As one of the most respected thought leaders in the world, I am constantly asked about the key to my success. As you have heard me say many times before, I do not believe that my success is the result of one single action or factor. On the other hand, I believe that my success is the result of the disciplines and habits that I have consistently prioritized in my life. Therefore, one of the greatest contributors to my success has been my decision to make growth and development an intentional and consistent part of my life. In this self-help era, I have always distanced myself from the self-help industry. Why is that? People think that information changes their lives. However, the truth of the matter is that it is the internalization and application of information that transforms our lives. That means that the information that we collect must take on personal relevance and application in our lives. It must move from good ideas and fascinating data to personal insights and strategies that we put into practice. Only what you implement holds the power to improve your life. You can read thousands of blogs and articles. However, if you never ponder, probe and pontificate that information it will never have the power to transform your life. Allow your education and experiences to serve as the catalyst to evolution in your life.
Keep your agreements with yourself. While we all have the same twenty-four hours, we do not all have the same results. Why is that? Well, first we all have different schedules, and different priorities and we all live different lives. As I got serious about my success and prosperity, I made a very conscious decision that changed my life forever. I made a non-negotiable decision that I would make certain agreements with myself. These agreements are literally personal objectives or mission statements. I keep these agreements before me every single day and they shape how I spend my time, where I invest my energy and what I give my focus. If you want to advance and embrace new reams, I encourage you to take the time and make some agreements with yourself. Where do you see yourself going? Who do you see yourself becoming? What kinds of people do you see yourself associating with? Agreements are simply personal contracts that pave the way and set the course for how we live our lives. In the beginning, I found myself struggling to keep these agreements. Your agreements are a reflection of your values. More importantly, your agreements cannot be kept when you are inconsistent in your character and principles. Never set agreements that you lack the standards to keep. Agreements come from our principles and determine the prosperity and productivity of our lives. Your agreements are a reflection of your values and your vision for your life.